Durante más de 20 años, The Prestige Group ha proporcionado productos y servicios de la más alta calidad.
Nos especializamos en: Toldos, persianas, estores, marquesinas, estores enrollables y pérgolas bioclimáticas.
Todo tipo de Persianas Exteriores e Interiores, Verticales, Venecianas, Enrollables, Plisadas y Panel Japonés.
Persianas enrollables de seguridad industriales y domésticas, rejas y portones, puertas de garaje,
Mobiliario Exterior, Mobiliario Jardín, Mobiliario Terraza y Sombrillas.
Trabajamos con marcas como Llaza, Saxun, Somfy, Came, Sauleda, Sattler, Dickson, Recasens, Tenara,
Kettal, Skyline Design, Joenfa, FIM y muchos más.
Horario de apertura:
Lunes a viernes
09.00 - 13.30h
Citas por la tarde disponibles bajo petición.
Oficina: 922740888
Móvil: 649159155
WhatsApp: 608619120
Email: info@theprestigegroup.es
*Presupuestos disponibles con cita previa*
- protecting your investment
Prestige Security Company
Garage Doors, Driveway Gates, Window Shutters - smart, but secure - manual or electronic
Security Shutters Tenerife
Security Doors Tenerife
Security Grilles Tenerife
Garage Doors Tenerife
Electric Blinds Tenerife
Security Shutters
The security of your home or business is paramount. We can install all types of shutters, both industrial and domestic to give you peace of mind. We also repair and service existing shutters.
Security Shutters Tenerife
Security Doors Tenerife
Security Grilles Tenerife
Garage Doors Tenerife
Security GatesTenerife
Security Shutters
The security of your home or business is paramount. We can install all types of shutters, both industrial and domestic to give you peace of mind. We also repair and service existing shutters.
Security Shutters Tenerife
Security Doors Tenerife
Security Grilles Tenerife
Garage Doors Tenerife
Security GatesTenerife
Garage Doors
The manufacture, installation and repair of garage doors, either electric or manual operation.
Choice of colours and designs to suit your property.
Security Shutters Tenerife
Security Doors Tenerife
Security Grilles Tenerife
Garage Doors Tenerife
Security GatesTenerife
We specialise in the manufacture, repair and installation of all types of gates & grilles.